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St. Petersburg tightens security measures after Moscow terrorist attack

Security measures have been tightened in St. Petersburg after a terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow Oblast, the city's governor Alexander Beglov announced on Saturday on his Telegram channel.

All entertainment and festive events, including performances in theaters and other venues and cultural events in public places in the city, were canceled on the weekend. According to Beglov, measures have also been taken to step up the security of the city's communal and social infrastructure and places of public gathering.

Many colleges, including Saint Petersburg State Institute of Culture and Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, have canceled classes on the weekend or moved online.

Local media reported that customers at a large shopping mall near a city train station were evacuated on Friday night due to safety concerns, and some downtown restaurants and bars were closed.

In St. Petersburg's neighboring Leningrad Oblast, a high-alert regime was introduced in the region on Friday and mass entertainment gatherings have been canceled. Similar measures have been introduced in several other Russian regions.

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